The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown

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Woody Allen is a pedophille

It's finally time. Science Fiction is probably the most expansive and unique film genres ever, and I had a blast going through and counting all of the unique lists that were sent in. The final list has a large array of movies from dozens of different sub-genres. Comedy, horror, action, drama, romance, thriller, fantasy, mystery, adventure, and crime are just some of the things that can all be accessed through Sci-Fi. Before we get to the actual list, let's start off with some details.

64 Lists were submitted

360 Total films were entered

18 Ties were broken

-I will reveal 2 film each day. When I get to the Final 50, we will have a brief intermission and I will reveal the one pointers. After I get to the top ten, I will have a prediction game, and will start revealing only one each day.

-Please do not reveal your entire list until the countdown is over (you may however reveal a film on your list once it is announced).

-Huge thanks to everyone who sent in a list (posted here).

We're about to see some serious sh*t

Woody Allen is a pedophille

100. Looper (2012, Rian Johnson) [49]
99. Dune (1984, David Lynch) [51]
98. The Incredibles (2004, Brad Bird) [51]
97. Another Earth (2011, Mike Cahill) [52]
96. Dredd (2012, Pete Travis) [53]
95. Altered States (1980, Ken Russell) [53]
94. The Truman Show (1998, Peter Weir) [54]
93. Event Horizon (1997, Paul Anderson) [55]
92. Source Code (2011, Duncan Jones) [55]
91. The Man From Earth (2007, Richard Shenkman) [56]

90. War of the Worlds (1953, Byron Haskin) [56]
89. Wreck-It Ralph (2012, Rich Moore) [57]
88. Galaxy Quest (1999, Dean Parisot) [57]
87. Back to the Future Part III (1990, Robert Zemeckis) [58]
86. Silent Running (1972, Douglas Trumbull) [60]
85. 28 Days Later (2002, Danny Boyle) [61]
84. Seconds (1966, John Frankenheimer) [61]
83. Donnie Darko (2001, Richard Kelly) [61]
82. The Hidden (1987, Jack Sholder) [62]
81. Strange Days (1995, Kathryn Bigelow) [62]

80. Avatar (2009, James Cameron) [64]
79. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984, Hayao Miyazaki) [65]
78. Escape From New York (1981, John Carpenter) [67]
77. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014, James Gunn) [70]
76. Signs (2002, M. Night Shyamalan) [71]
75. La Jetée (1962, Chris Marker) [71]
74. Fantastic Planet (1973, René Laloux) [71]
73. World on a Wire (1973, Rainer Werner Fassbinder) [72]
72. The Prestige (2006, Christopher Nolan) [72]
71. Logan's Run (1976, Michael Anderson) [72]

70. Snowpiercer (2013, Bong Joon Ho) [74]
69. The Time Machine (1960, George Pal) [74]
68. Demolition Man (1993, Marco Brambilla) [75]
67. Battle Royale (2000, Kinji Fukasaku) [77]
66. Edge of Tomorrow (2014, Doug Liman) [77]
65. District 9 (2009, Neill Blomkamp) [80]
64. Ghost in the Shell (1995, Mamoru Oshii) [83]
63. Minority Report (2002, Steven Spielberg) [87]
62. The Avengers (2012, Joss Whedon) [89]
61. Men in Black (1997, Barry Sonnenfeld) [91]

60. The Martian (2015, Ridley Scott) [94]
59. Serenity (2005, Joss Whedon) [96]
58. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978, Philip Kaufman) [97]
57. Ghostbusters (1984, Ivan Reitman) [97]
56. Predestination (2014, The Spierig Brothers) [99]
55. Akira (1988, Katsuhiro Otomo) [99]
54. Starship Troopers (1997, Paul Verhoeven) [101]
53. Videodrome (1983, David Cronenberg) [104]
52. Sunshine (2007, Danny Boyle) [104]
51. Gattaca (1997, Andrew Niccol) [105]

50. The Iron Giant (1999, Brad Bird) [111]
49. Contact (1997, Robert Zemeckis) [112]
48. Dark City (1998, Alex Proyas) [112]
47. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983, Richard Marquand) [114]
46. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956, Don Siegel) [118]
45. They Live (1988, John Carpenter) [119]
44. Primer (2004, Shane Carruth) [120]
43. Interstellar (2014, Christopher Nolan) [120]
42. Back to the Future Part II (1989, Robert Zemeckis) [122]
41. Gravity (2013, Alfonso Cuarón) [124]

40. Independence Day (1996, Roland Emmerich) [133]
39. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951, Robert Wise) [139]
38. Forbidden Planet (1956, Fred M. Wilcox) [145]
37. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015, George Miller) [150]
36. Metropolis (1927, Fritz Lang) [157]
35. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982, Nicholas Meyer) [164]
34. The Fifth Element (1997, Luc Besson) [164]
33. Arrival (2016, Denis Villeneuve) [170]
32. Brazil (1985, Terry Gilliam) [179]
31. The Road Warrior (1981, George Miller) [190]

30. Ex Machina (2014, Alex Garland) [191]
29. Moon (2009, Duncan Jones) [200]
28. RoboCop (1987, Paul Verhoeven) [202]
27. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004, Michel Gondry) [203]
26. Predator (1987, John McTiernan) [212]
25. Her (2013, Spike Jonze) [218]
24. Inception (2010, Christopher Nolan) [221]
23. Solaris (1972, Andrey Tarkovskiy) [225]
22. Stalker (1979, Andrey Tarkovskiy) [231]
21. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982, Steven Spielberg) [234]

20. Children of Men (2006, Alfonso Cuarón) [239]
19. Total Recall (1990, Paul Verhoeven) [242]
18. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977, Steven Spielberg) [261]
17. Planet of the Apes (1968, Franklin J. Schaffner) [270]
16. Wall-E (2008, Andrew Stanton) [278]
15. The Fly (1986, David Cronenberg) [292]
14. Twelve Monkeys (1995, Terry Gilliam) [305]
13. Jurassic Park (1993, Steven Spielberg) [308]
12. Aliens (1986, James Cameron) [334]
11. The Matrix (1999, The Wachowski Brothers) [364]

10. The Terminator

9. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

8. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

7. A Clockwork Orange

6. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

5. Back to the Future

4. Alien

3. The Thing

2. Blade Runner

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey

Woody Allen is a pedophille

The Butterfly Effect
(2004, Eric Bress)

Short Circuit
(1986, John Badham)

Phase 7
(2011, Nicolás Goldbart)

Safety Not Guaranteed
(2012, Colin Trevorrow)

(2012, Alan Brennan)

O-Bi, O-Ba: The End of Civilization
(1985, Piotr Szulkin)

(1993, Steve Barron)

(1981, Carl Gottlieb)

Cherry 2000
(1987, Steve De Jarnatt)

Space Cop
(2016, Mike Stoklasa)

Die Tür
(2009, Anno Saul)

(1987, Mel Brooks)

(2009, Christopher Smith)

Terminator: Salvation
(2009, McG)

(2008, Doug Liman)

Transatlantic Tunnel
(1935, Maurice Elvey)

The Invasion
(2007, Oliver Hirschbiegel)

(2008, Matt Reeves)

Woody Allen is a pedophille
The rest:

101 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) - 49
102 Paprika (2006) - 47
103 Alien 3 (1992) - 43
104 The Abyss (1989) - 43
105 Frankenstein (1931) - 43
106 Unbreakable (2000) - 41
107 Coherence (2013) - 41
108 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) - 41
109 Mad Max (1979) - 40
110 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) - 39
111 Until the End of the World (1991) - 37
112 Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010) - 37
113 The Island (2005) - 37
114 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) - 37
115 Alphaville (1965) - 36
116 The Re-Animator (1985) - 36
117 Soylent Green (1973) - 35
118 The Invisible Man (1933) - 35
119 Superman (1978) - 35
120 Iron Man (2008) - 35
121 Maximum Overdrive (1986) - 35
122 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) - 35
123 Under the Skin (2013) - 34
124 Timecrimes (2007) - 34
125 The World's End (2013) - 33
126 Pi (1998) - 32
127 Lilo and Stitch (2002) - 32
128 X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963) - 31
129 Upstream Color (2013) - 31
130 A Scanner Darkly (2006) - 31
131 Cube (1997) - 31
132 2046 (2004) - 31
133 A Boy and His Dog (1975) - 30
134 Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959) - 30
135 V for Vendetta (2005) - 30
136 Armaggedon (1998) - 29
137 The Face of Another (1966) - 28
138 The Quiet Earth (1985) - 28
139 The Mist (2007) - 28
140 The Matrix Revolutions (2003) - 27
141 Death Race 2000 (1975) - 27
142 War of the Worlds (2005) - 27
143 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) - 26
144 Cargo (2009) - 26
145 LFO (2013) - 25
146 Eraserhead (1977) - 25
147 Tron (1982) - 25
148 Godzilla (1954) - 25
149 Pacific Rim (2013) - 25
150 The Thing from Another World (1951) - 25
151 Chronicle (2012) - 25
152 Tremors (1990) - 25
153 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) - 24
154 The Signal (2007) - 24
155 Destination Moon (1950) - 24
156 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2003) - 24
157 Déjá Vu (2006) - 24
158 Spirits of the Air, Gremlins of the Clouds (1989) - 23
159 Castle in the Sky (1986) - 23
160 Visitor of a Museum (1989) - 23
161 Acción Mutante (1993) - 23
162 Never Let Me Go (2010) - 23
163 Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (1991) - 23
164 Rollerball (1975) - 23
165 The Faculty (1998) - 23
166 Gunbuster (1988) - 22
167 Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) - 22
168 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) - 22
169 The City of Lost Children (1995) - 22
170 King Kong (2005) - 22
171 The 10th Victim (1965) - 22
172 Kaiba (2008) - 21
173 Tetsuo, The Iron Man (1989) - 21
174 Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985) - 21
175 A Trip to the Moon (1902) - 21
176 Disturbing Behavior (1998) - 21
177 A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) - 21
178 Night of the Comet (1984) - 21
179 Je t'amie, je t'aime (1968) - 20
180 Little Shop of Horrors (1986) - 20
181 Abre Los Ojos (1997) - 20
182 The Core (2003) - 20
183 Cocoon (1985) - 20
184 Lunopolis (2009) - 19
185 Genocyber (1988) - 19
186 The Lobster (2016) - 19
187 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - 19
188 The Cell (2000) - 19
189 Deep Impact (1998) - 19
190 Oblivion (2013) - 19
191 Flash Gordon (1980) - 19
192 The Host (2006) - 19
193 The Last Starfighter (1984) - 19
194 Star Trek: First Contact (1996) - 19
195 Dark Skies (2013) - 18
196 Dirty Pair: Project Eden (1987) - 18
197 Appleseed (2004) - 18
198 The Blob (1988) - 18
199 Tank Girl (1995) - 18
200 Critters (1986) - 18
201 Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (2009) - 17
202 Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future (1985) - 17
203 Cloud Atlas (2012) - 17
204 The Final Countdown (1980) - 17
205 C.H.U.D (1984) - 17
206 Hardcore Henry (2015) - 16
207 Gandahar (1988) - 16
208 Kin Dza Dza (1986) - 16
209 Mauvais Sang (1986) - 16
210 X2: X-Men United (2003) - 16
211 Repo Man (1984) - 16
212 X-Men: First Class (2011) - 16
213 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) - 16
214 Marooned (1969) - 16
215 Waterworld (1995) - 16
216 Real Steel (2011) - 16
217 Warning Sign (1985) - 16
218 4:44 Last Day on Earth (2011) - 16
219 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) - 15
220 Batteries Not Included (1987) - 15
221 eXistenZ (1999) - 15
222 Fantastic Voyage (1966) - 15
223 Frequency (2000) - 15
224 Westworld (1973) - 15
225 Ant Man (2015) - 15
226 Demon Seed (1977) - 14
227 Farenheit 451 (1966) - 14
228 Fire in the Sky (1993) - 14
229 Monsters Inc. (2001) - 14
230 Night of the Living Dead (1968) - 14
231 The Andromeda Strain (1971) - 14
232 Heavy Metal (1981) - 13
233 Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993) - 13
234 Hardware (1990) - 13
235 Phantasm (1979) - 13
236 Blade II (2002) - 13
237 The Fountain (2006) - 13
238 Universal Soldier (1992) - 13
239 Mr. Nobody (2009) - 13
240 The Zero Theorum (2013) - 13
241 The Skin I Live In (2011) - 13
242 The Stepford Wives (1975) - 13
243 Solaris (2002) - 13
244 Wings of Honneamise (1987) - 12
245 The Holy Mountain (1973) - 12
246 Pitch Black (2000) - 12
247 Star Trek V: The Final Fronteir (1990) - 12
248 Night of the Creeps (1986) - 12
249 The Increadible Shrinking Man (1957) - 12
250 X-Men (2000) - 12
251 2010 (1984) - 12
252 WarGames (1983) - 12
253 Jurassic World (2016) - 12
254 Face/Off (1997) - 12
255 Prometheus (2012) - 12
256 A Matter of Life and Death (1946) - 11
257 Meet the Robinsons (2007) - 11
258 Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) - 11
259 Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992) - 11
260 Transformers (2007) - 10
261 The Ugly Swans (2006) - 10
262 Lucy (2014) - 10
263 Letters from a Dead Man (1986) - 10
264 One Point O (2004) - 10
265 Johnny Mnemonic (1995) - 10
266 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) - 10
267 King Kong (1933) - 10
268 The Postman (1997) - 10
269 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) - 10
270 Scanners (1981) - 10
271 Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003) - 10
272 The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961) - 10
273 Evolution (2001) - 10
274 Edward Scissorhands (1990) - 10
275 Superman II (1980) - 9
276 Altered (2006) - 9
277 Ender's Game (2013) - 9
278 Avion (2001) - 9
279 Equilibrium (2002) - 9
280 The Time Traveler's Wife (2009) - 9
281 Vanilla Sky (2001) - 9
282 Sleeper (1973) - 9
283 Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars (1988) - 8
284 X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) - 8
285 Time Lapse (2014) - 8
286 Animatrix (2003) - 8
287 King Kong Escapes (1967) - 8
288 Starman (1984) - 8
289 The Adjustmen Bureau (2011) - 8
290 Europa Report (2013) - 8
291 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) - 8
292 Invaders from Mars (1953) - 7
293 Ever Since the World Ended (2001) - 7
294 Divergent (2014) - 7
295 Midnight Special (2016) - 7
296 Black Moon (1975) - 7
297 Looker (1981) - 7
298 Five Million Years to Earth (1967) - 7
299 Being John Malkovich (1999) - 7
300 Gremlins (1984) - 7
301 Creation of the Humanoids (1962) - 7
302 The Running Man (1987) - 7
303 I, Robot (2004) - 7
304 Voyage to the End of the Universe (1963) - 7
305 The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) - 7
306 Kingsglaive (2016) - 6
307 Melancholia (2011) - 6
308 Tron: Legacy (2010) - 6
309 Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009) - 6
310 Split Second (1992) - 6
311 Time After Time (1979) - 6
312 Saturn 3 (1980) - 5
313 American Ultra (2015) - 5
314 The Hunger Games (2012) - 5
315 Apleseed: Alpha (2014) - 5
316 THX 1138 (1971) - 5
317 Captain America: Civil War (2016) - 5
318 Dark Star (1974) - 5
319 Shivers (1975) - 5
320 The X-Files (1998) - 5
321 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) - 5
322 Meet the Applegates (1990) - 4
323 About Time (2013) - 4
324 Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012) - 4
325 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) - 4
326 Star Trek Nemesis (2002) - 4
327 Hunter Prey (2010) - 3
328 The Thirteenth Floor (1999) - 3
329 Contagion (2011) - 3
330 Paul (2011) - 3
331 The Machine (2013) - 3
332 Nerve (2016) - 3
333 Grantz (2010) - 2
334 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) - 2
335 1984 (1984) - 2
336 Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - 2
337 Barbarella (1968) - 2
338 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - 2
339 Spider-Man (2002) - 2
340 The Brood (1979) - 2
341 Invasion of the Saucer Man (1957) - 2
342 The Philadelphia Experiment (1984) - 2
343 Short Circuit (1986) - 1
344 Phase 7 (2011) - 1
345 Safety Not Guaranteed (2012) - 1
346 Earthbound (2012) - 1
347 O-Bai, O-Bai: The End of Civilization (1985) - 1
348 Coneheads (1993) - 1
349 Caveman (1981) - 1
350 Cherry 2000 (1987) - 1
351 Space Cop (2016) - 1
352 Die Tür (2009) - 1
353 The Butterfly Effect (2004) - 1
354 Spaceballs (1987) - 1
355 Triangle (2009) - 1
356 Terminator Salvation (2009) - 1
357 Jumper (2008) - 1
358 Transatlantic Tunnel (1935) - 1
359 The Invasion (2007) - 1
360 Cloverfield (2008) - 1

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Looking forward to the list Nope, and the eventual crowning of 2001.

Top ten in no particular order: 2001, Alien, New Hope, Blade Runner, Back To The Future, The Thing, Solaris, Empire Strikes Back, Children Of Men, Jurassic Park.

* That's a prediction ( I didn't submit a list)

Woody Allen is a pedophille
The Stats


The first film to crack the list is a fairly recent one. Looper floated around the 100 to 150 spot until it finally rested at #100. The film was tied with one other film that also received 49 points, but it was only featured on 2 lists.

Layout: 3rd, 13th, 16th, 24th, 25th


Nothing too special about this one. It was tied with another (#98) film that also had 51 Points and 3 lists, but the other film was placed higher on a list the this one, so Dune lost the tie breaker.

Layout: 4th, 8th, 15th

The film was tied with one other film that also received 49 points, but it was only featured on 2 lists.
Were one of those lists mine?

And to echo what MV said, the formatting looks great.

I remember when Dune came out and what a bust it was. I've never been interested in seeing it.

After a promising start, Looper was just ok for me.

I remember when Dune came out and what a bust it was. I've never been interested in seeing it.

After a promising start, Looper was just ok for me.
I actually kind of like Dune. It was nowhere near being on my list though haha.

I agree on Looper. I just thought it was fine, and sort of keep forgetting it even exists since it didn't leave much of an impression.

Also, the formatting looks great.
Co-signed. Nice, bold, big black fonts with a nicely balanced photo-layout as well... Simple, clean, clear and full on contrast. I dig it!

Good job on the list so far, Nope, I admire all the work you took on yourself with this one. Looks like you were the right MoFo for the job.

I haven't seen Dune primarily because of its reputation, and while I find interest in Lynch, I'm not a fan (yet) and I need to really dive deeper into his works in general, so maybe this will come along with a binge in the future...

Looper was really interesting, with a great vibe and an interesting story, until they screwed it all up in the end and with the whole boy with powers aspect. I wish they just kept the story about Joseph-Gordon Lewitt, his job and his future self. The eventual big climax had eventually turned its focus completely on what I thought was a sub-story... a shame.

Can't wait for more !!!