Welcome to MoFo Top 100 Animated Films Countdown!
On September 1, 2014, I asked the good people of MovieForums.com to send me their top 25 favorite animated features and shorts (excluding hybrids and television series), ranked in order of preference. The response was incredible. In all, 79 people made good on that request (though some lists had fewer than 25 entries) and between them they voted for 327 animated films.
The Voting Thread Can Be Found Here: The MoFo Top Animated Films - Voting
The Voters:
Aniko, Arcanis, BlueLion, BrowningIdentity, Camo, Captain Spaulding, Chardee Macdennis, Christine, Cinemajack, Citizen Rules, Cobpyth, Cricket, dadgumblah, Daniel M, Derek Vinyard, Erasmus Folly, Film Trash Review, Friendly Mushroom!, Frightened Inmate No. 2, Funny Face, Gatsby, GBGoodies, Gideon58, Godoggo, Guaporense, The Gunslinger45, Harry Lime, Hello101, Holden Pike, honeykid, Iroquois, Jal90, JayDee, jiraffejustin, John McClane, Kathepburn, LinesPalsy, Loner, mark f, meatwadsprite, Mingusings, Miss Vicky, Mistique, Mlaturno, Modine, MovieMeditation, Nausicaä, Neiba, Nostromo87, Plan B, Pussy Galore, Quill, rauldc14, Rhys, The Rodent, s1n1st3r, The samoan lawyer, Sane, sara f, The SciFi Slob, seanc, Sedai, Sexy Celebrity, Sinny McGuffins, Skepsis93, Swan, teeter_g, Tenshi, Thursday Next, Tokeza, TylerDurden99, urkillinmesmalls, The Usual Suspect, Voigan, WBadger, weeman, wintertriangles, Yoda, the young turk
How This Countdown Will Work:
- For movies ranked #100 - #21, I will post two movies per day.
- Once we reach the top 20, I will post one movie per day until the final two, which will be revealed together (on or about January 29th, if my calculations are correct).
- I will post four movies on December 24th and will not post any new entries in the countdown on December 25th. I will probably do the same for December 31st and January 1st.
- If an unforeseen event prevents me from posting on a particular day, I will post two sets the following day.
- Due to an erratic work schedule, I cannot promise to post at a consistent time of day. Some days the post will be quite late, other days it may be early. I apologize in advance if this causes any frustration.
- If you are one of the voters, please do not reveal your full personal list until the countdown is complete. If you voted for a particular film that has been revealed on the countdown, feel free to say where on your list it placed.
- Discussion of each film is encouraged.
- A Note on Points and Numerical Ties: For those new to the list experience, each voter sent in a list of up to 25 films. Points were determined as follows: #1 votes received 25 points, #2 votes received 24 points, #3 votes received 23 points, etc all the way down to 1 point for a #25 vote. There were several numerical ties among the top 100. To determine order when ties arose, I first counted how many individual votes the films received. The film with the higher number of votes was given the higher position. If they received the same number of votes, then the film with the highest single vote was placed higher on the list.
- Once the countdown is complete, Yoda will add it to the Lists section of MoFo. So be sure to check off what you've seen when the time comes.
And now for what you've all been waiting for...
Last edited by Miss Vicky; 12-02-14 at 01:48 PM.