The Shoutbox
Naisy! Howdy!!
ahh I love you guys
The last few games for the Steelers are making me wish it was still baseball season so I could watch the Pirates instead. At least with the Pirates you're ready for it and used to it. ...
In Dallas' defense, the game should've gone overtime, because there's no way that was a 15-yard facemask.
The last time Chicago was supposed to go undefeated, who stopped them? Dan Marino and the Dolphins on Monday Night Football...38-24.

Meanwhile, my Cowboys managed to screw up royally. Colombo totally missed his block and let Troy Vincent (Who two weeks ago was in sweats on his couch watching games) go untouched to the kicker and block the kick.
I wonder if the '72 squad'll send them some champagne. Apparently they treat themselves to it each year when the last undefeated team bites the dust.
I love it when the Miami Dolphins are able themselves to stop teams from having undefeated seasons.
I've never seen such a good team make so many avoidable (and particularly ill-timed) mistakes. It's incredible.
Thanks, Blib. I'm celebrating by writing ... and watching the Steelers get creamed. Pass that gunpowder, wouldja?
Okay, I changed my mind. I'm calling them the Pillsbury Steelers ... capable of making all sorts of fruity turnovers!! (sigh)
Remember remember the 5th of November, the gun powder, treason and plot. I see no reason, why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot...

Happy Guy Fawkes Night!