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Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Originally Posted by John McClane
my interview yesterday was weird. really need this job
Answer JM gave was: In your chair.
Didn't go down well.
Originally Posted by John McClane
halfway through the lost levels of Super Mario Bros on the game boy addition. talk about frustrating and challenging.
I miss those days.
I remember Zelda: A Link To The Past on the SNES taking me 12 months to complete when it was new in 1992, and I never fully completed SNES Mario Kart or even Gran Turismo on PS1.
Compared to more modern games, when I completed on first try, all 3 of the first Halo games in under 3 hours.
Originally Posted by Death Proof
Originally Posted by John McClane
yay! rain
pollen count been murdering
pollen count been murdering
When it did finally rain it looked like rivers of piss roiling down the street.
Summer 2012 the UK had a drought, and all the underground reservoirs dried up.
MET Office panic mongered their way through a Press conference as usual, and said we'd need "50 years of constant torrential rain to refill them".
Inside of 2 weeks they were overflowing to the point the ground couldn't take it and we had floods.
Originally Posted by Torgo
It has nothing to do with a certain Cardi B/Megan Thee Stallion collaboration, then. Carry on.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Set in the late 90’s, everyone is playing Snake on their Nokia.