The Shoutbox
dammit i wish i was a commie, i could finally find it in me to hate most films and write them off as capitalist/imperialist drivel

the way i'm not i even see good things about communist propaganda movies, i mean show me an american movie edited as well as something by eisenstein or dovzhenko
every commie gangsta until they have to spell bourgeoisie
I remember eating a book. Twice
I remember being a book. Twice.
I read books and I seen films.
Read the book twice. Never seen the film.
Never read the book. Seen the film twice
Originally Posted by John McClane
i don’t care who i share it with i just wanna get there first!
Hence everyone says it sounds selfish. The being first part isn’t key, it’s just that I like an unmarred impression. Too many times people criticised the shit out of something I really liked on first watch, and that’s extremely annoying. I can understand it with subsequent/multiple watches, but it’s nice to have a ‘clean’ first impression.
i don’t care who i share it with i just wanna get there first!
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
All work and no play makes Minio a tired boy
I bet you hate The Shining though.
I like it, actually.

But yes, "sharing experience" is pretty bad for the most part when it comes to art. It's best to experience films & music alone. Other people mostly ruin the experience and you can say that experiencing something with others is great, and maybe it is, but that's a different kind of great, and it's mostly great because it's with them, while at the same time you realize that the thing itself would be greater if it was just you. Art is a solitary thing.
This is a big part of why I’m here: to occasionally get a sanity/insanity(?) check that I’m not the only one feeling this way. I’ve always enjoyed ‘showing’ people art/introducing them to it and being shown art by people, but it does diminish the art. It sounds terrible, but I always think I wish I’d heard/watched/read that alone. I do like rewatching/rereading/re-experiencing art again surrounded by family, but that first time is just too sacred.

Is it just the film that you like or the book, too?
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
All work and no play makes Minio a tired boy
I bet you hate The Shining though.
I like it, actually.

But yes, "sharing experience" is pretty bad for the most part when it comes to art. It's best to experience films & music alone. Other people mostly ruin the experience and you can say that experiencing something with others is great, and maybe it is, but that's a different kind of great, and it's mostly great because it's with them, while at the same time you realize that the thing itself would be greater if it was just you. Art is a solitary thing.