The Shoutbox
WOW my favourite guys are here with me, hi Gollygosh and Tatty
oh, I get it, a Ping-pong joke...
No, I was talking about the kick-ass video game Pong. The "pings" I was referring to are the noise the square makes when it bounces from rectangel to rectangle across the screen. If you really get it going you'll get a distinctly different "pong" sound.

And as a game, it is awesome.
Carlsberg was the sponsor of the thing! Beer actually improved my game. Then I was beat out. Poor me. I had to stick to watching the others play and drinking more free beer...
oh, I get it, a Ping-pong joke...
I like Pong. Pong rocks.

Or rather, it pings. Well, it pings and it pongs, depending on the skill of your oppenent.
Originally Posted by Darth Stu
More of a FIFA 06 fan myself!
Hang your head in shame.
Free beer, where was my invite? Not the best combination in the world, being Scottish and free beer, but as Mick said " I can't get no, hey, hey, hey!!! "
Originally Posted by Sinny
If you love football, Pid, you'll love Pro Evo 5. But be warned, it's also the hardest sports game in the world.
Really? Well, I'm not easily intimidated. I love football games! I even entered a competition a few years back. Can you believe it, they gave us free beer all afternoon!
More of a FIFA 06 fan myself!
If you love football, Pid, you'll love Pro Evo 5. But be warned, it's also the hardest sports game in the world.
Originally Posted by Sinny McMuffins
Pro Evolution Soccer 5: The best sports game in the world.
Man, I want to try that... We used to play an older version of the game a couple of years ago and it rocked. I hope I can make my buddy buy it soon...