The Shoutbox
happy halloween everyone
I read the book on the first day I am so smug
I've managed to change the little display computer to show my fuel consumption in litres/100km (which scared me slightly) and the gross national product of Botswana. No joy with the clock though.

I guess that it's time to read the thing that guys seem allergic to - the instruction (or destruction) manual...
That was like me, I fiddled with it and worked it out Yaaa

snigger snigger
I've changed every clock and watch in the house but can't figure out for the life of me how to move the clock in the car back an hour.

Guess I'll always be arriving early for the next 6 months.

(stop sniggering at the back!)
We just changed over to day light saving on Saturday night
Morning nebbie!


Still not used to this extra hour in bed lark, I'm supposed to be on holiday.
WOW my favourite guys are here with me, hi Gollygosh and Tatty
oh, I get it, a Ping-pong joke...
No, I was talking about the kick-ass video game Pong. The "pings" I was referring to are the noise the square makes when it bounces from rectangel to rectangle across the screen. If you really get it going you'll get a distinctly different "pong" sound.

And as a game, it is awesome.
Carlsberg was the sponsor of the thing! Beer actually improved my game. Then I was beat out. Poor me. I had to stick to watching the others play and drinking more free beer...
oh, I get it, a Ping-pong joke...