The Shoutbox
You know, it could have been different, but you know how it is.
Sedai: just think, Cavendish only has to win one more stage to set the new record for most stage wins.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Hanging out with people who have a boat may make you think you want a boat.

This is incorrect.

You do not want a boat. You just want to hang out more with the people who have a boat.
reminds me of the time a girl took me to crash a boat party. then left me there on the dock with a bunch of people i just met. at least i got plates from the buffets.
been forever since i had Yuengling. and it’ll be forever before i drink another
Well, I'll be doubly mind butt focked! TrashEpics is down! 🗑️Epics!
R. O. F. L.
Ryan Gosling sucks!
You okay there Denim?
Work emails and texting with strangers has eliminated my need for the period!
Don’t let them give you the skinny noodle!