The Shoutbox
Wonder Woman!
Bow-ka ...wait.
Mew? Isn't that like a Pokemon thing? Wonder Mewman?

I keep trying to swipe-down ...with my mouse =\
ain't got no TIME for no PG whities!
3W WV was PG.
Okay let me ask yous guys this. Have any of you seen The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia? I've seen that a few times. Trust me. I'm good.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
I did start watching it. I could tell within minutes I wasn't gonna watch it.
But but but... a few minutes isn't gonna give you that crazy escalation of insanity that the series in toto gives you.
I did start watching it. I could tell within minutes I wasn't gonna watch it.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I think TK is kinda like a true crime deal, which by all numbers, seems to be some of the biggest pod and show genres right now. Then again, popularity doesn’t necessarily denote quality, I guess.
I can’t stand true crime. I get the obsession, though. The whole genre just seems so campy and disrespectful.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
I may have to watch that show. I really have no interest in it. I felt it was so over hyped I don't even like to say its name. You guys are really writing some words tho. When's the evil dead musical coming out? That I want!
Definitely watch a few episodes. I was hooked after one. It's like a funny train wreck that just keeps giving and giving.