The Shoutbox
And I am already looking for a new bass guitar. Gotta get back on one soon.

Love this acoustic I traded for but my bass amp is whispering to me: "Feed me."
I just love it when Jeep Bros. don't have fender flares.
I just love it when I waste a few hours trying to fix some technology issue. Then I figure out the solution and it takes 5 minutes and I say to myself "Come on, you should have known that one."
Hadouken! Haaadouken! Hadouken!
Stirchley's making a run on the board. someone needs to drop a C-C-Combo-breaker, and fast!
I was knocking back Surge in the 3rd grade like it was going out of style. And cracking open cans of Whoop Ass.

When I get on the coffee too hard, that's how I know. I can feel it in my chest, not because I'm high energy.
We weren't every day soda people. Kool-Aid here and there, sugar was not taboo, we just didn't get a lot.
Your neurons have been rewired. I can chug energy drinks all day, and they have zero effect on me. Maybe a palpitation here and there, but no get up and go.

Did you drink soda as a kid?
I think coffee is a vestige associated with firing off a dart. Maybe my body is like, "welp, this is all we're getting now."
I don't ever get hype when I'm on coffee.

Use to drink Diet Mt. Dew / Diet Sundrop and that would have me bouncing. Tea is the only thing that does that for me now.