The Shoutbox
Either should be good. I have an old 2004ish BB604 (I think) natural finish and loved it. I don't remember the wood, but that model was very light and agile. comfy. still have it. you'll need a battery in that 734 model, depending on what switch you use. Also, not sure the EQ is worth the extra cash considering you can add EQ via the amp if it has it and/or a plugin with whatever you're recording with. If you're interested in used, you might find one much cheaper at GC online.
I have narrowed it down to THIS or THIS one.
And I am already looking for a new bass guitar. Gotta get back on one soon.

Love this acoustic I traded for but my bass amp is whispering to me: "Feed me."
I just love it when Jeep Bros. don't have fender flares.
I just love it when I waste a few hours trying to fix some technology issue. Then I figure out the solution and it takes 5 minutes and I say to myself "Come on, you should have known that one."
Hadouken! Haaadouken! Hadouken!
Stirchley's making a run on the board. someone needs to drop a C-C-Combo-breaker, and fast!
I was knocking back Surge in the 3rd grade like it was going out of style. And cracking open cans of Whoop Ass.

When I get on the coffee too hard, that's how I know. I can feel it in my chest, not because I'm high energy.
We weren't every day soda people. Kool-Aid here and there, sugar was not taboo, we just didn't get a lot.
Your neurons have been rewired. I can chug energy drinks all day, and they have zero effect on me. Maybe a palpitation here and there, but no get up and go.

Did you drink soda as a kid?