The Shoutbox
Speaking of Netflix. The Ken Jeong special is the definition of being a hack. There may be moments and some sentimentality, but let me know if you're gonna name-drop and talk about the Hangover for an hour.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Did someone say more Oomph!
Originally Posted by John McClane
I have had a bottle of tequila for 10 months: it sat around for 2 months before I opened it.

Anyone that truly knows me knows that’s just impressive AF.
Depends on what label is on the bottle. If it was Hornitos, that is really impressive
I have had a bottle of tequila for 10 months: it sat around for 2 months before I opened it.

Anyone that truly knows me knows that’s just impressive AF.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
The VFW scene kinda came outta left field, but it was well-executed and very poignant.
True. Agree with you on Klaus and the other person. Heartbreaking.

I haven't watched any more episodes yet, taking a break to catch up on other stuff. Plus I'm not in a hurry to finish, I like hanging out in that world. Only three episodes remaining.

@Chypmunk Love Oomph!
Did someone say more Oomph!

Feels like it needs a little more oomph
The VFW scene kinda came outta left field, but it was well-executed and very poignant.
I think the show is a good example of how far a little charm can go in covering up mistakes. Like letting Mary J. Blige act

Klaus and _ _ _ _ are my couple of the year.

I have also watched 7 episodes of UA since I started on Saturday. Yes, I love Klaus!
#5 is an amusing character too.
The show itself has a lot of potential, even if it kind of feels like a mashup of a bunch of different series and films, like X-Men, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Diego quite reminds me of first season Grant), Future Man, A Series of Unfortunate Events, a little bit of Altered Carbon, and even the British Utopia (I only watched the first season in 2013 but it was effen amazing)... plus many more. So it's not exactly "original" but so far it seems to be working fairly well with the material it has, even if it feels a little too heavily "typically American" at times (and yes, I know it was primarily filmed in Toronto, Canada). If it were a British show it might have come across less cliché at times, possibly.
Hm, that reminds me, Orphan Black was also filmed around Toronto. (A BBC America production.)
The guy from Mindhunter playing Hazel seems to be miscast. In addition, he is using the exact same tone and cadence he used in Mindhunter and that is really jarring.

I wonder if he still prefers egg salad over that tuna sandwich he had to eat?