The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Rewatching ‘True Blood’, God help me. 🤦*♀️
I tried that recently. But that series is definitely a product of its time. It took a lot of effort to reconnect with it.
I’m finding it fun enough and holy hell that’s a lot of sex (I always complain there isn’t enough nowadays and that definitely scratches an itch, heh). But, well, Bergman it ain’t.
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Rewatching ‘True Blood’, God help me. 🤦*♀️
I tried that recently. But that series is definitely a product of its time. It took a lot of effort to reconnect with it.
Rewatching ‘True Blood’, God help me. 🤦*♀️
Blind Mellon rain
nope, i just like rain. summer rain that makes the air feel like a wet sauna
Raindrops keep falling on my head
Tears in the rain?
i like rain
someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum of the streets
Originally Posted by ScannerDarkly
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
I was listening to everclear's "I will buy you a new life" at work the other day. I first mistook it for an updated live version but came to realize it was a chatgpt creation that sounded just like everclear. It sounded beautiful and useful. I felt okay passing on.
God my childhood memories are being taken over by the machines
(sigh) Childhood? I saw them at a local club here in Pittsburgh in the mid-1990s... when I was in my mid-thirties.
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
I was listening to everclear's "I will buy you a new life" at work the other day. I first mistook it for an updated live version but came to realize it was a chatgpt creation that sounded just like everclear. It sounded beautiful and useful. I felt okay passing on.
God my childhood memories are being taken over by the machines