The Shoutbox
Crumpets and scones crumpets and scones, and tea for me, thank you sire.
I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored and I'm the only poster on this forum and soon I'll have to start replying to my own posts and as I was typing here before the page refreshed ARGHHH third time lucky.
You were having a bad day yesterday, too. What's wrong?
Sorry. I'm not having a good day today.
TODAY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
u placed it well twt, much more accessable
I'm posting a shout, because Spud showed me how to get here; couldn't find it was like a BIG frippin' secret...but here I am now. Hi!
Ah, there we are: at the bottom of the mainpage, we've got the latest shout. It's a start, at least. If anyone has any ideas on how to help promote it a litlte more, please post them here. I dig The Shoutbox.
Alright, give me a day or two; I'll figure something out.
I would love to have a link to the Shoutbox at the top of every page. I think it's brilliant fun. The first day it was here I was using it all the time, as was everyone, but then I forget about it, as I couldn't be stuffed doing the procedure to get it.

It's a fun feature. I like it.