The Shoutbox
Well trust me on this, it wasn't sounding like WAS it...

I've heard people having sex before...wasn't a very pleasent experience at all, in fact...really annoying, it went on for a while and I was trying to get some sleep...
Yes, I'll take your word for it. California...I dunno what to make of it. Reagan used to run the it can't be all bad.
Nor is people having sex. It's quite hilarious to listen to. Take it from me. One of my weird experiences.
Techno music -- haha! Like Eiffel 65 or something. Weird crap. Well, "Blue" wasn't a bad song.
She likes tecno music that sounds like people having sex, I can tell you that much...
Wish they all could be Californian, wish they all could be Californian...
I am, indeed, a California Gal... surf's up dudes...Pshaw...more like I'm feezing my tail off...
Oh. I skimmed. You're a California Girl aren't you, Sades?
Something happened.....
Aw...too bad I'm not a Kansas gal...shucks.
Cause, I'm pretty much "in the darK" about what's going on. I only know that we were gonna meet at Pizza Hut, don't know what time, nothin....pissed me off, and I'm not about to drive 15 minutes for something I'm not sure about