The Shoutbox
Movie Forums -> Where Everyone Knows Your Name
LOL... yeah baby! Live life according to Seinfeld... that's my motto
Remember when Kramer goes to the fantasy camp and George makes the comment..."his whole life is a fantasy camp, people should pay money to live like him for a day"
Or at the very least find a job that requires nothing of us but manages to provide us with an internet connection.
Kramerica Industries...yeah buddy..
Yup... We should all quit our jobs and MOFO all day long baby!!! Or at the very least find a job that requires nothing of us but manages to provide us with an internet connection. Hummm... Maybe I'll go work at one of those ridiculous kiosks in the mall. I never see the young men and women employed in such a manner do anything but play on the internet and freecell
I'm back, hello people.
Cracks me up; people spend ONLY 2-3 hours a day here and it's looked down upon. Excelllllent.
I try Spud... but it seems nobody wants to chat
We sure are talkative today...
Well, I sure as hell ain't shelling out for psychological treatment.

I slept in today. A lot. Way more than usual. Feels good.