The Shoutbox
I like treasures.
Its there any way we can get Movie request's?
Plus wondering if you would set up a music area! I Will be more then happy to fill any music request & or Post up Music! Plus i hold alot more Thanks for the great site!
i had a turn recently
lol - i saw that - let's just do yours
Btw Meatwad, thanks for jumping in on top of me while I was getting the next Baker's dozen game going. I guess I'll go delete my post.
The Shoutbox Tyrant has moved the shout(s) in this general area to this thread.
So it shall be written.
Which one OG ?

The Last Man on Earth - 50's

The Omega Man - 70's
Aus, I can't vouch for the movie as I haven't seen it yet, but the original story is an apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenario and a damned fine one at that.
I have a date today.
I did 120 Christmas cards yesterday -- and for me that means, writing, labeling, layout of four-page newsletter with pics, collating and stapling 120 copies, stuffing envelopes, sealing, stamping, etc. Oh, and that was the second half of the day. I'm tired!
I think I had hoped the early trailers were more accurate -- a kind of apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenario would be far more interesting to me than throwing shock scares and Dawn of the Dead remake feel into it.