The Shoutbox
I just finished watching Mulholland Dr. and I must say, I'm underwhelmed.
Sedai, I'm glad you put that in quotes. Had me worried there for a second.
On the up-side, one HUGE typesetting project is finally off my desk (finished it with a monster headache all day), and an even HUGER copyediting project is leaving my desk later this week (assuming I get it done and don't 'splode instead). Then I'll get to do more work on the OTHER side of the publishing desk for a change!
Wow, and here I thought I was the only one who feels like she got hit by a truck today.

Am finally drinking coffee for the first time today (at 5 p.m.). I just love my hubby's overnight work schedule. Gahh.
"I used to have a fear that my children would get hurt, and I would be I stabbed them. It didn't affect me that much, after all!"
Little Children is at my house right now, I will watch it soon!
American Beauty and Little Children = The most honest and greatest depictions of life in suburbia
Man, I am beat today... These weekends are starting to get to me...
I've switched over to Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi and it's not even noon. This does not bode well for the rest of the day.
Yeah...need more coffee....