The Shoutbox
How are you all?
Atleast Dr Phil is still going....
Oprah Shmoprah. I'm glad shes not on UK tv.

On another note, i saw Mika play live last night. WAS AWESOME. You guys heard of him? He is like a one man Scissor Sisters paying homage to Freddie Mercury. Go here, listen now and dance and jump and smile and wee.
I'm telling you, I have no idea what you're talking about. She's got that "better then you" mentality with everyone, especially the less fortunate. She's sickening to watch sometimes.
Watch the way she acts around black people as opposed to anyone else. It's pathetic the way she has a double standard.
I dislike her because she spent 40 million dollars on a school complex in South Africa for girls only. What's the problem with that? It only has 152 students.
Oprah? Rich. Trying too hard. Gives things away in order to be popular. Ehhh. Overrated.
Yods, what's with the new, saberless Yoda? I liked the other one better. This one looks too ... benign.
I've watched Oprah's show before and I have no idea what you're talking about. However, I really dislike her.
JM, watch Oprah's show or the way she interacts with people.

She is all chummy with those of her race but makes sure to be stern and darn near vile towards those who are not black.