The Shoutbox
I love not having to schedule my life around TV. Oh, and no commercials? Da bomb, yo.
Yeah, I was working last night but magically was able to watch the shows hours after they aired.

VCR? TiVO? Nothing, huh?
Sleezy, meet DVR. DVR, meet Sleezy...
I'm kinda happy that "The Office" didn't air this week, because I had a thing to go to, and would have missed it.

Doesn't matter. I'm still sour about missing "Scrubs" anyway.
It isn't supposed to get any higher then 30 degrees here today. Shivers!
BSG report Aus! Get to the end of the season yet?

Damn, it is COLD today. Brrrrr!
D@mn yous and your snow flakes!!
The Steelers are kicking some Cleveland butt. Yeah, baby.

I like the fact that, when I click on my MoFo bookmark, the first thing to load are the snowflakes on a pure black screen. Then (slowly) the rest of the site loads. Neat to see the snowflakes first.
D'oh, I missed Scrubs. Me am dumb.
Yay! I just saw a commercial for the DVD release of World Trade Center. I'll be getting that.