The Shoutbox
Well, yes, there was something refreshing about Deadwood's inability to substitute words like "frak" for the real thing....

Boy, I miss THAT show already... And why is HBO replaying old episodes of Carnivale? Just to torture me??
HP, do you watch BSG? Like it? Hate it? Don't give a frak?
I prefer "Deadwood"'s slang, myself. Fu*k those G*ddamn mealy-mouth c*cksu*kers on the space show.
We're not freaks. We're fraks. Or so sayeth Sedai. I don't know what the frak he's talking about.

BTW, I'm not a BSG freak/frak yet. Get back to me later in the week....
The frakkin show is shiny, man...damn shiny...
What in the 'verse are you Gorram rutting Battlestar freaks on about?
Time to defrak my computer!
Frak ya!
(reading past shouts) Apparently YOU do, Sedai.
Who gives a frak?!