The Shoutbox
That's why I've only been popping in and out recently. Nothing much to reply too. Need to think of a deep topic to feed the beast. But not tonight as I'm going to bed.
thats my problem...too deep, sometimes, i can't do it! lets all be shallow and frequent together...
Ummm... my guinea pigs are really cute and funny! (How's that?)
That's why I've only been popping in and out recently. Nothing much to reply too. Need to think of a deep topic to feed the beast. But not tonight as I'm going to bed.
Things have gotten kinda slow around here, c'mon Mofo's let fire it up!!!
is it just me? or is this place slowing down?
Hya, Darth!
Hello Caitlyn and Sammy D, nice to see you both!
so much leftover food...just from Easter!

this is why i am "overflowing"
Because I never grew up.
But, it never happened, of course.
I watched the Ten Commandments too. Gotta love that movie if only for its bold use of effects of the time period. I wanted to be Cecil B. DeMille when I grew up.