The Shoutbox
Seeing King Kong tomorrow!!!!!
The amount of restraint that is going into me not seeing King Kong until Sunday could support Brando.
I've finally got rid of my i can forget for a while about everyhting that's connected with school...until...i get my results - oh ****!
Nah, it was my neighbour Herb. He keeps hypnotising me.
Yeah, oregano'll do some crazy things to your mind.
Hey you

I learned something very important the other night. Never try and watch D.O.A. while under the influence of a certain herb. It's simultaneously hilarious and terrifying, which makes it just too weird to watch. Maybe you should suggest it as deterance therapy .
Hi Gollygosh
It's solid-gold classy-cr*p innit . But what are they singing about?! I must know! Rabbit politics? Maggie's inner kitten? Laser death in the flying sardine population?
Or is it just a musical version of the Swedish Jim'll Fix It? At least that'd make sense.
That is amazing. I can't stop laughing.
Hey Pidz, can you make this make sense??
I wee'd when i recieved my Christmas presents.

That do ya Mini?