The Shoutbox
yes and no. it was almost 2 years between season 2 and season 3, so that's why a lot was "rehashed". but sure, take the elitist route. you'll get there quicker!

Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
If it was the toilet that made it promising, I have to disappoint you. It's nothing like Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead.
I actually googled that and thank you for never disappointing.
I've only seen the first two seasons because a friend told me Season 3 is much worse and basically the same stuff but spoon-fed to the viewers who didn't already get it.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
If it was the toilet that made it promising, I have to disappoint you. It's nothing like Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead.
I actually googled that and thank you for never disappointing.
If it was the toilet that made it promising, I have to disappoint you. It's nothing like Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead.
that show was one of the best things for me when i was in a rough spot. visceral.

and it was way better than the book. stick with it
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Yeah, it's an amazing show. That scene of the black guy in the toilet is incredible. There was something inhumanly electrifying about him, something that made you believe he was saying the truth.
That sounds very promising.
Yeah, it's an amazing show. That scene of the black guy in the toilet is incredible. There was something inhumanly electrifying about him, something that made you believe he was saying the truth.
Oh, I’m definitely sticking with it, it seems great, but I’m feeling a bit self-conscious, I guess. I’m on S1E9 and I’m only just keeping up with what the hell is happening and whether this is even truly supernatural. I’m a huge fan of Carrie Coon and Justin Theroux (didn’t think that man had done anything of note since ‘Inland Empire’), so they alone keep me invested. Agree that the music is phenomenal throughout.

I’m certainly looking forward to the super-weird, that’s very much my sweet spot.
It's a reasonable show to bounce off of, but it's really genuinely beautiful as it goes along (and it also gets super weird near the end, if that appeals to you at all). It also has a way more satisfying conclusion than I was expecting.

Oh, and one of the best scores/themes of any TV show, ever.

Strong recommend!
poke poke poke.