The Shoutbox
It's all in your head Sadie.
I wasn't referring to that song at mentioning Eminem was unrelated to that shout.

I don't get why people feel the need to dismiss all these people as untalented. I think it's ridiculous. Almost no one gets that big by fooling everyone so blatantly.

I replied to your problem in the Spoilers Tag thread...
I'm not. He's talented. I have no doubt of it. He's a moron at times, but I can't listen to "The Way I Am" and tell you, honestly, that I think he's talentless.
It's not Eminem that does that song! It's the Beastie Boys! What a disgrace! I'm hoping you knew that and were just trying to get me riled up. P.S. I'm having problems with the spoilers tag.
I don't think he's talented..
Eminem?! I hope you're frippin' joking. I'll slap you if you're not.
Happy, Bullet Boy?

Spudly Principle, The.
Eminem is very talented. Yep.
No! Sleep! 'Till Booklyn!