The Shoutbox
Ain't no getting off this non sequitir train we're on.
Cake and ice cream says it all.
Originally Posted by Yoda
It's sad to think that after nearly 20 years, I have to ban you for that.
You'll be hearing from my team of bananas.
It’s obviously all about the financials of the banana stand!
It's sad to think that after nearly 20 years, I have to ban you for that.
Why do bananas make the best lawyers? Because they always got a peel.
Odds are high that he sells insurance. Selling insurance would make anyone talk in riddles.
I've never been sure if Act III was doing some bit that I didn't get, some joke that I was processing. It's easy to miss references and memes and trends. I guess other people don't get it either, so that makes me feel better.

But we're all going to feel stupid when it turns out he's sitting on the motherload of UFO data and has been trying blow the whistle here on the "DL" with none of us getting it. We don't need to know B-assists, because it's high-speed rotation that produces the vertices needed to create lift in a Type I Andorian Saucer. Checkmate, engineers!
Originally Posted by Act III
I don't need to know B-assists either.
Ok, now you just talking crazy. One must always worship the bassists

No idea, but if you ask anything that might help you figure that out, you just get a curt dismissal.