The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Yoda
Real discussion as opposed to the usual stuff in here, where someone's like "I'm tired" and then Chyp makes a pun and then I pretend to hate Chyp's pun and then someone posts a song for no reason.

That song?
Real discussion as opposed to the usual stuff in here, where someone's like "I'm tired" and then Chyp makes a pun and then I pretend to hate Chyp's pun and then someone posts a song for no reason.
Does anyone want me to spin these shouts off into a proper thread? Because there's some real discussion going on here.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Many people I wouldn't even consider film buffs, let alone cinephiles ...
It's weird and wacky, so I get why a lot of people wouldn't dig it. I loved it, but it isn't the type of film that usually wins best picture.
Many people I wouldn't even consider film buffs, let alone cinephiles, hated Everything Everywhere All At Once. So I don't think my abrasive dismissal of EEAAO is as unpopular as some would think. My review sums up why it's not a good film rather well.
I'm not sure whether or not I should share this but I tried watching Everything Everywhere All At Once a couple of months back. I couldn't get through more than a few minutes before turning it off.

I was really looking forward to watching it too. I will try again of course. But what if I'm never able to "get it"? Will I be reduced to commiserating with other fringe dwellers in some dank basement?

No. No, this will not be my fate. Like some Irish guy used to say, "I am the otter of my own fat."

I will watch it and I will like it.
The Shoutbox Tyrant has moved the shout(s) in this general area to this thread.
So it shall be written.
The Tarnished Angels
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
They don't make 'em like this anymore.

What film is this shot from?