The Shoutbox
The dichotomy of good and evil.
Ugh. Sums!
Originally Posted by John McClane
I like meeting new people, and I’d like to not die alone. But I’m making my peace with that prospect. Most people suck at dating, anyhow. So a movie is the safer bet.
That pretty much sums it up for me, too.
Originally Posted by Little Ash
Originally Posted by John McClane
I like meeting new people, and I’d like to not die alone. But I’m making my peace with that prospect. Most people suck at dating, anyhow. So a movie is the safer bet.
How do you want to go then?
Car accident? Ice-9 apocalypse?

Speaking in terms of how you want you and your hypothetical partner to going out together at the same time.
I don’t care how they go. But I’m hoping for a massive coronary infarction while shoveling snow.
Originally Posted by Allaby
Originally Posted by Little Ash
Originally Posted by Allaby
Originally Posted by Little Ash
Originally Posted by Allaby
I watched 90 films in the month of December and a total of 890 films during 2022.
I don't stop in here very often (or ever), but when I see numbers like this, I always just wonder, "how..."
I don't have much of a life outside of work and watching movies so I have the time. I'm not married, no kids. I don't go out to bars or clubs or concerts. I have a full time job, but other than that, when I'm not working I'm usually watching a movie or running errands (which don't usually take me long). I can usually watch 1 movie after work and more on my days off.
No wife and no kids makes this seem more, well, the numbers still aren't adding up in my head, but less concerning about family members you may be neglecting.

So, one movie a day still leaves ~520 movies for the rest of the year on weekends or days off.
If I just sat down and watched movies on a weekend, that usually tops out at five a day, but seems to be more often 4. Do you find yourself often squeezing in 6 or more on the weekend day? (Honestly, I think I start to get headaches if I do that the whole weekend though. Admittedly, my day jog involves sitting in front of a computer, and I tend to blackout my living space for watching movies pretty well, so I guess it's not surprising eye strain might be an issue for me).
Based off of 24 hour movie marathons I've gone to, I know that's could technically be up to 13-14 movies, but that's assuming you aren't sleeping.
Just numerically, do you have a sense of how many days you don't work in a year (I don't know what your job is, so "days not working," could be paid time off or maybe you're a contractor of some sort, so you'd potentially have a week off here or there between contracts?

(Roughly 104 days that are weekends, we've already counted one for all of them, that's averaging an additional five a day on both days of the weekend (we've already counted one for each, so that's taking it up to six a day)).
I work 5 days every week, so I have 2 days off per calendar week. On an average day off, I can watch 3-5 movies. I also had 3 weeks of vacation last year and I watched a lot of movies during my vacation.
So, let's see...
One movie every day.
Two days in a weekend, 52 weeks in a year, and 3 weeks of vacation that adds 15 weekdays of not working, roughly, so 119 days.
An extra 2-4 movies (we've already counted one from the 1/ day), so that's
365+(4*119) = 841 movies.
I guess if that's literally your schedule it does get you there. Huh. Wow.

I feel like my movie heavy weekends often end up being 4 movies on one day and the other seems to involve more chores or something and I only get 2 in. And that's my movie heavy weekends.

But I guess that now at least seems numerically conceivable.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I like meeting new people, and I’d like to not die alone. But I’m making my peace with that prospect. Most people suck at dating, anyhow. So a movie is the safer bet.
How do you want to go then?
Car accident? Ice-9 apocalypse?

Speaking in terms of how you want you and your hypothetical partner to going out together at the same time.
I like the experience of dating. I like everything that comes with it. However, it isn’t something I have to do. Society has this stigma that for anyone to be happy they have to be in a relationship or married, and I’m perfectly fine sitting at home watching my movies.
If someone comes along, sure, I’ll court her. But, I’m not going to force it. Made too many mistakes choosing the wrong girl, and the last one I dated a year ago was secretly married and waited almost a month before she told me.
So, yeah, won’t rush into anything. In the meantime, Fassbinder has a whole filmography waiting for me to pour through on Criterion.
I like meeting new people, and I’d like to not die alone. But I’m making my peace with that prospect. Most people suck at dating, anyhow. So a movie is the safer bet.
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
Put yourself out there.
Haha, appreciate the sentiment but I always hate the experience.
Originally Posted by John McClane
If I had a choice between dating and watching a movie…i’d take the date. Alas I’ve been watching a lot of movies
For me, it would depend on who the date is with vs. what the movie is.
Put yourself out there.