The Shoutbox
blue coconut dr pepper is my new drug, and sonic is the pusher
Originally Posted by John McClane
what about my golden ticket to the chocolate factory? was that encrypted? i know that’s what they were really after…those Cadbury ****ers!
Nice to know someone else knows the origin story to that book.
Oh yeah that ticket's long gone, sorry bud.
what about my golden ticket to the chocolate factory? was that encrypted? i know that’s what they were really after…those Cadbury ****ers!
I'm looking into it.

You can be reassured that all passwords are encrypted, though.
I had no issues on my Chromebook, but couldn’t access the site on my iPhone. I had to use a link in my email from a private message to get to the site on my phone.
some hackers just have no skills. reminds me of the scriptkiddies of yore. and we all remember how it ended for them
But it probably is indeed a honeypot.
Did some digging around and looks like it’s international kids jealous they ain’t American kids. Probably jealous their parents have no basement for them to live in. Sad day
Even if it's just a redirect, I still recommend you do the following:

If you shared the password to MoFo on any other site, change your password on these sites immediately (yes, even if you used a different username and even if you used a different email address there)