The Shoutbox
Cheap ass ticket day. Time to see Top Gun again
Sorry bout that matt. In town and the posse and I were reliving the 2 Live Crew catalog.
And another weekend with non-stop bass noise to disturb the neighbors since 7am.... Police didn't even show up. I say we either have a fair set of laws, or have anarchy - not this justice if you have the money BS.
Holy crap, I ain’t never seen the Sega logo look that good.
Shipped from Washington state on Wednesday. I dunno how it’s already out for delivery, but this is gonna be an awesome weekend!
Gee, sounds like Prime has really gone down the tubes
112 days after ordering. Skies best open with choir music
Genesis component cable shipped.
Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19
Originally Posted by Allaby
So I ended up watching 83 films in August. Not bad.
Not bad at all. The last two weeks I tapered off due to work and other priorities *sigh*
What’s your total up to so far?
For this year, 587 films watched.
Originally Posted by Allaby
So I ended up watching 83 films in August. Not bad.
Not bad at all. The last two weeks I tapered off due to work and other priorities *sigh*
What’s your total up to so far?
So I ended up watching 83 films in August. Not bad.