The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Austruck
Headed to Houston for the weekend for a friend's wedding. Assuming my flight isn't canceled, that is...

Yoda... It's Mr. Hatchett gettin' hitched!
Sounds like a movie.

It's the story of a man [dark, brooding musical tones] living a life of isolation in the cold, rocky mountains of Houston, Texas, who one day, while on a hike to town for winter supplies, [poppy happy, clumsy music] befriends a quirky middle-aged checkout clerk at the local Piggly Wiggly store. At first, they hate each other "PRICE CHECK ON..... on.... uh. HEMORRHOID OINTMENT" - record scratch - but soon find they both share a strange secret [suspenseful string trill]. They both are sociopathic murderers!

"Honey, he's getting away!"

From the writer of The Heartbreak Kid, and Blumhouse Productions comes the newest RomCom-Horror indie blockbuster hit on the summer, Hitching Hatchetts!

[blood splatters the screen as the bagboy falls lifeless to the sidewalk. passersby all turn and gasp.]

"Not on MY watch, babe! Looks like we'll have plenty of meat this season!!"
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Dude. A mass shooting 3 blocks from me 2 wekends ago. 4 people dead shot dead on the 4th. And then today on our way to a doctor's appointment a 14 year old girl gets murdered within feet of the doctor's office. Holy sh*t man... am feeling stressed.

dang, dude. things are getting crazy. well, i guess things have always BEEN crazy but there's a weird sort of reality buffer when it's only ever on the news. kind of a strange perception there, but i'm off topic. my point, be safe over. i'd say that's a little too close to home, but the stuff shouldn't be happening anywhere. stay alert. stay safe.

Headed to Houston for the weekend for a friend's wedding. Assuming my flight isn't canceled, that is...

Yoda... It's Mr. Hatchett gettin' hitched!
I hear you. I'd say stay safe, but it seems like nowhere is safe lately.
Dude. A mass shooting 3 blocks from me 2 wekends ago. 4 people dead shot dead on the 4th. And then today on our way to a doctor's appointment a 14 year old girl gets murdered within feet of the doctor's office. Holy sh*t man... am feeling stressed.
Just when I started thinking the internet is not as crazy as I originally suspected I stumble into bitchute. Yeah, the digital ether is certifiable.
How nervous when doctor’s office is blasting devotional music in the waiting room?
Then again, if that happened in the first place…

Alright. We’re having a good time
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by John McClane
I turned 18 on 07/07/07

The payout was shit
My sister’s birthday woulda been 7.7.77 if my mom coulda kept those legs together for another hour.

OMG lol
Needleless to say, things worked out for her.