The Shoutbox
Yeah, with what was actually going on story wise, the run time was about 45 minutes too long. It is time to bring back the 90 minute movie. I don't want to sit for an extra hour for an ending I could see coming 5 minutes in.
Yeah, that new Bond movie is better than a couple of Benadryl.
Ugh, that's what I was afraid of. I haven't seen it yet and looking at the runtime I kinda worried it would drag. Which is a stupid thing to have to say about a Bond movie, but I was genuinely drowsy during Skyfall.
The latest Bond movie is like that. Definitely fighting to stay awake thru that thing.
One of the few films I have had to fight a super strong urge to turn off before finishing...
I put the Matrix 4 on and that put me out like clockwork: 10 minutes in and sleep was guaranteed.
Originally Posted by John McClane
omg loved that scene lol
Anthony Edwards should have come back in the new one. Yes, yes, it wouldn't make much sense, but wouldn't it be fun to hang out with him a little more? Get a bit of that old Goose magic? Give the people what they want (more Goose).
However, those dog fight exterior shots are still some of the best aerial footage ever. It’s like ballet, man
Didn’t pass out. That movie is just too good. Although, having seen the new one, those cockpit scenes are weak AF now.