The Shoutbox
Didn’t pass out. That movie is just too good. Although, having seen the new one, those cockpit scenes are weak AF now.
Negative ghost ri.... Wait. I misread that as "shower" and i was going to have a play on words but then noticed the actual word as i started to repl.... Oh screw it.
Time to buzz the tower
Top gun is on amazon. It's still pretty good.
Freshly showered, fresh sheets, fresh change of clothes. Anything to invoke freshness of the body. Now I need to put a fresh movie on. Seriously, any suggestions? Something I can pass out to because I’m near dead to the world from accomplishing all the above
Obi Wan Jernobi
"Words are the guns of the mouth." ~ Kurt Metzger
How high are gas prices? Gas prices are so high "Terrorists" in Idaho have to carpool to work! Ba dump bump!
How high are gas prices? Gas prices are so high its cheaper to buy cocaine and run to work! Ba dump bump!
I am taking movie suggestions: Star Wars has already been screened on the covid screen. It’s 19in but packs a wallop