The Shoutbox
I am taking movie suggestions: Star Wars has already been screened on the covid screen. It’s 19in but packs a wallop
Covid like Morbius back in theaters.
A week off from work but I feel like walking death. I’d rather be at work.
At least I’m vaccinated and boosted. Still feel like I got hit by a Mack truck. Ain’t never had a headache this bad.
Take care of yourself? A couple other friends just went through it recently, and came out of it OK!
Oof. Sorry MattJohn. Feel better.
Originally Posted by John McClane
COVID confirmed. I blame it on Florida
Yeah it sucks
COVID confirmed. I blame it on Florida
im soo happy that i booked a ticket to see Thor Love And Thunder on july 6th ahhh cant wait!!!
get better soon! i know its annoying to be sick home alone
Scot free? I couldn't even get rid of the Irish!