The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John McClane
And after getting stuck and then unstuck in the backyard the pickup has been christened with a name: Teresa
As in Mother?
And after getting stuck and then unstuck in the backyard the pickup has been christened with a name: Teresa
No inspection sticker, no registration, and the plates were still registered to the Scion. I still don't know how I didn't get screwed to the wall
Could have*
Should have*
I dodged the biggest assortment of tickets this evening. I shouldn’t bought a lottery ticket. Luck just pouring off me tonight
better than my earlier idea of pouring half a bag of sugar into her car's fuel line. =\

thanks for keeping me on the side of good! well, on the side of maybe better than I would be on my own.
What I can suggest is ask her to leave the questions until the end...and then deliberately time your training session so there's no time for questions.

Okay, maybe don't do the second part.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Really not sure "weasel out of" was the best phrase to use there given who you were talking to

Reasonable to ask, but when her question is addressed and it's noted that it's fine for the sake of this project to move on, she digs in, I mean.