The Shoutbox
If you are, don't be this guy:

I'm not in the clear yet, but I might not be called.
Originally Posted by SpelingError
Currently waiting to see if I get called.
hopefully they dont called u middle of the night
Currently waiting to see if I get called.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by SpelingError
Ugh, I got jury duty tomorrow.
Relish your civic duty! Or admonish yourself for not figuring out how to get out of it
That last point.☝️
Originally Posted by SpelingError
Ugh, I got jury duty tomorrow.
Relish your civic duty! Or admonish yourself for not figuring out how to get out of it
Originally Posted by SpelingError
Ugh, I got jury duty tomorrow.
Might want a pair of these glasses.

Ugh, I got jury duty tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Yeah, we could, we just can't really justify it to ourselves yet.
Oh come on, man, you were just justifying earlier why you'd like to see it die. (i.e. sound isn't as good)

Just mount that sucker on the kitchen wall and upgrade already. That's what I did.
Originally Posted by Rockatansky
Aw man, I'm awful at small talk. Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
Unexpected replies will garner better openings to deeper conversation.

So like if someone asks "how are you?" don't just say fine and ask the same thing back. Come up with a go to zany response and it'll throw the person asking off guard.

For instance: when people ask me "what's up?" I reply "Taxes".