The Shoutbox
I got rocked when I was around the age of 2. Fell off a chair and smacked the right side of my forehead against the metal track of a sliding door frame. So much blood.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Originally Posted by Austruck
If you start to take the cap off, it'll let just enough air in to be able to shake it up. I have to do this with every bottle I buy for myself. Once I figured it out, it didn't bug me so much.
Amazing! Out of interest do you think this would also work with hats? It's just that I never wear a cap.
Smart aleck.
For some reason I got the idea to look up the effects of frontal lobe damage to the brain. I wouldn't be surprised if I have some damage now that I know the effects. I even got the scar across my forehead to prove it.
I’m really not excited for ‘A Quiet Place II’, but ah, well. Seeing it in 12 hours. Lebanese before that, more excited about this part.
Originally Posted by SpelingError
Congrats, Chypmunk! If you don't mind me asking, what did your niece major in?
Oddly enough .... medicine
Her mother's a doctor too, so I guess for her it ran in the blood.
Originally Posted by Austruck
If you start to take the cap off, it'll let just enough air in to be able to shake it up. I have to do this with every bottle I buy for myself. Once I figured it out, it didn't bug me so much.
Amazing! Out of interest do you think this would also work with hats? It's just that I never wear a cap.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Why do they fill juice bottles all the way up to the top so you can't shake them? But potato chips are barely even half way full?
If you start to take the cap off, it'll let just enough air in to be able to shake it up. I have to do this with every bottle I buy for myself. Once I figured it out, it didn't bug me so much.
Why do they fill juice bottles all the way up to the top so you can't shake them? But potato chips are barely even half way full?
Originally Posted by Austruck
I leave you people alone for eight hours and I come back to the same jokes.

Well done!

time flies when we run aduck.
Duck me once, shame on me
Duck me twice, grey poupon you
I leave you people alone for eight hours and I come back to the same jokes.

Well done!