The Shoutbox
I leave you people alone for eight hours and I come back to the same jokes.

Well done!
ducks, my guess.
Congrats, Chypmunk! If you don't mind me asking, what did your niece major in?
Grats. That's pretty niece that she made it through.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Well, one of my nieces is now officially Dr. Niece. Not the easiest of final years that's for sure but she made it through safe and sound .
How amasing! Huge congrats.
Well, one of my nieces is now officially Dr. Niece. Not the easiest of final years that's for sure but she made it through safe and sound .
lols to you both for the lay-up.
There are probably worse ways to kill three or four hours.
I watched a slug crawl along the edge of a playing card. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a playing card...and surviving.
I've never dealt with slugs tbh - I've only ever used a standard pack of playing cards
When dealing with slugs, rarely will you run across anything.