The Shoutbox
We must resist!

*Orders something from Amazon*
Amazon is one step closer to world domination.
Originally Posted by Kennethk
There should be a list of all the movies being remade this year
theres is a list its on Upcoming Movies & Sequels
There should be a list of all the movies being remade this year
Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19
I mean, one way or another it would inevitably end up in the toilet anyways.
Or my neighbor's yard.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
I hope that means they just passed right through you, otherwise I'm angry you're wasting fruity pebbles.

The sad, sad is that it was about a quarter cup that I just couldn’t finish the night before after I had eaten most of the box.

Last night was last night! Today is a new day, free of red dye 40!
That reminds me. Get Metamucil.
I mean, one way or another it would inevitably end up in the toilet anyways.
I hope that means they just passed right through you, otherwise I'm angry you're wasting fruity pebbles.

Anybody start their day flushing Fruity Pebbles down the 🚽 ?

I don’t wanna hear any criticism . We all know that’s not food anyways.
That a yearbook pic? Needs a little photoshop.