The Shoutbox
I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed,
I’m back on Boogie Street.
I guess they won’t exchange the gifts
That you were meant to keep.
And quiet is the thought of you,
The file on you complete,
Except what we forgot to do,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.
I don't know quite enough about those to say why it might apply here, but that's my best guess without debugging more thoroughly (which I'm happy to do if you wanna PM me).

In general sending bug reports directly to me is preferred, too, since there's no guarantee I'll see a random error report even in a thread, let alone The Shoutbox.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
I definitely didn’t do that, but thanks!
Hmm, I can't really think of any other way that would happen, unless you maybe signed out in another window, then back in?

Either way, when you load a form on the site it generates a security token and that token has to match for it to accept the form when it's submitted, so anything to disrupt that process would be the culprit. I dunno if a VPN explains it, but it'd be something like that, at least.
I see, thanks. I do use a VPN quite often.
Yeah, but you know what? This one, this one right here. This was my dream, my wish. And it didn't come true. So I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Yeah. My cousin swallowed some coins once when she was little.

Baby Jessica? Didn’t realize there was a celebrity in your family.
New Review in my thread.
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
I definitely didn’t do that, but thanks!
Hmm, I can't really think of any other way that would happen, unless you maybe signed out in another window, then back in?

Either way, when you load a form on the site it generates a security token and that token has to match for it to accept the form when it's submitted, so anything to disrupt that process would be the culprit. I dunno if a VPN explains it, but it'd be something like that, at least.
Originally Posted by Torgo
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Originally Posted by Torgo
One time, I unwrapped one and it was empty. I hate being foiled.
I ordered what I thought was ridiculously expensive “luxury” jelly from a high-end store, unwrapped it this morning and found.... empty jelly forms. Which I now know are even more outrageously expensive than I’d deemed the “jelly” to be. Now I need to buy bloody gelatine and whatnot and make my own.
Wow, what a ripoff. Hope you get a refund. What flavors?
Were meant to be rose and honey, champagne and strawberry. Serves me right. Re: refund - working on it.
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Originally Posted by Torgo
One time, I unwrapped one and it was empty. I hate being foiled.
I ordered what I thought was ridiculously expensive “luxury” jelly from a high-end store, unwrapped it this morning and found.... empty jelly forms. Which I now know are even more outrageously expensive than I’d deemed the “jelly” to be. Now I need to buy bloody gelatine and whatnot and make my own.
Wow, what a ripoff. Hope you get a refund. What flavors?
Originally Posted by Yoda
That happens if you leave the page open for hours and then post with refreshing.
I definitely didn’t do that, but thanks!
That happens if you leave the page open for hours and then post with refreshing.