The Shoutbox
And in the final season when they do the flashbacks to establish how he gets the power. Well then, holy crap it makes that character that much more complicated.

Or maybe I’m just a nerd?
Think of it like this: what does a guy like that have to do to get power and keep it? He’s gotta be ruthless.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I've been going back and re-reading reviews about the show, and I don't understand the dislike that some had for Buscemi's casting as the main.
That's funny. In my previous shout I was going to mention that I never really "got" Buscemi as the lead. He's got that 98-pound weakling vibe about him so it was a stretch for me to see him as a strong, intimidating boss. But I do like him as an actor so I'll give it another shot.
But season 3. Bobby Cannavale. Bone for tuna. I've never loved hating a character so much.
I've been going back and re-reading reviews about the show, and I don't understand the dislike that some had for Buscemi's casting as the main.
Oh, you didn't even get into the good stuff. The 2nd half of season 2 was peak television. Season 3 was my favorite, but the whole show gives me warm and cozy vibes.
Originally Posted by John McClane
One of the rare HBO shows not ruined by its ending. I’d even say that last season was one of its best.
I quit that one somewhere in the second season, but it might have just been because I was busy on those nights and never bothered to go back and watch on demand. I might have to pick it back up. I tend to enjoy most HBO series that have any kind of historical feel to them.

But don't get me started on bad series endings. I still have PTSD symptoms over the ending of Carnivale five minutes later than it should have ended.

I will say this: HBO's Six Feet Under had perhaps the BEST series ending I have EVER seen. Perfection. I rewatch the entire series every year or so because it's just that good all the way through. It didn't really have a bad season... or episode.
Holy cow... flicking through the channels and Santa's Summer House (2012) is on TV
I thought Uwe Boll movies were bad.
Yeah, but AMC hasn't made me wanna break my TV quite like HBO.
Originally Posted by John McClane
One of the rare HBO shows not ruined by its ending. I’d even say that last season was one of its best.
This applies to most shows in general, with only a select few ending in a satisfying manner.