The Shoutbox
I like the Black Keys, but I think they’re only cool when Jack White is out of town.
Hit that one out of the park.

Good job by You!
But how do you get the ink stains out of it?
I've always been impressed by anyone that can type on furniture. Personally I think it's difficult enough to get sh*t lined up and all that when typing on paper so I can only imagine how much harder it must be with something far less pliable.
Who doesn't want to revisit a shout from earlier in the week?

I tried to lodge a complaint about some furniture that got delivered to a barn. Still unsure whether or not a horse was involved in a credit card fraud conspiracy Complaints were filed to person that didn't really understand the situation I was trying to relay.

Maybe that is why I received a credit for the full purchase price of my furniture this morning. Lol. The furniture that I am typing on right now.

How well do you think that conversation is gonna go? "No, I have the furniture. No, I didn't ask for the refund. Yes, it did get delivered to a barn..."
I’m getting closer and closer to just me and my guitar...

After years and years of comic collecting, I sold everything off in one lot.

What did you do with the money, Deni?

Well. I bought two turnovers from Arbys for 2 of my favorite people, paid for the woman behind me because she let me in front of said drive thru and a six-pack from America’s oldest brewery to share with friends, with some leftover change to feed the container.

Could not be happier 😄
Everyone hear the mews? Ridley Scott wants to make another Alien prequel.

Wait. That’s not mews, he always wants to make another.