The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Originally Posted by Osiris
While playing Hitman 2, I just thought that the kidnapping of Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman) in "Mission Impossible 3" just totally felt like one of the many stealth infiltration missions from the games. J.J. Abrams should've done the Hitman movie adaptation instead.
No thanks, I don't need to be teased about who 47's parents are or have it be answered in the most underwhelming fashion possible.
Point taken. lol But that wasn't really what I was talking about. Abrams' accomplishments aside, a lot of the things in that Mission Impossible scene just felt so cool, and they reminded me so much of the video game: Cruise's instantaneous disguise-change, the agile climbing up the building and disabling the camera, luring the target into the restroom to pacify him; all of that were things that I've done as 47 at one time or another. The use of disguise by Cruise in particular was definitely a distinct trademark tactic that 47 employs.

So what I really cared more about was the use of proper stealth in this particular scene that the actual Hitman movie lacks (with its uncharacteristic shootout every chance it gets). Even if not Abrams, if only writers would just learn from the Mission Impossible scene, I'm sure they could have made a better Hitman film.

Also, watching that scene also makes me want to see a crossover battle between Ethan Hunt and Agent 47 in a stealth-based battle, just for the fun of it.
Originally Posted by Osiris
While playing Hitman 2, I just thought that the kidnapping of Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman) in "Mission Impossible 3" just totally felt like one of the many stealth infiltration missions from the games. J.J. Abrams should've done the Hitman movie adaptation instead.
No thanks, I don't need to be teased about who 47's parents are or have it be answered in the most underwhelming fashion possible.
Sorry. I had to Chang that. Getting my references all mixed up.
You are not wrong.
While playing Hitman 2, I just thought that the kidnapping of Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman) in "Mission Impossible 3" just totally felt like one of the many stealth infiltration missions from the games. J.J. Abrams should've done the Hitman movie adaptation instead.
Or should I type, "ship." Very clever indeed.
Very clever, Chyp.
Dead as a doornail
Did ya run over it and kill it? Cuz that link is dead!

Ran across this on Bandcamp this evening

They arrested CNN reporters filming live doing nothing before they arrested that cop.

Good ole America