The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Sedai
I was watching a TV show yesterday, which had a scene where people were eating in a restaurant. I thought to myself "Oh yea, we used to be able to to do that..."
I've had similar thoughts when I see commercials with people standing RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Like freakin' BARBARIANS or something.

Many companies have whipped out updated commercials quickly, but too many just haven't yet. Wait... are those people sitting near each other in the bleachers at a BALLPARK? WTF??
Yeah, it doesn't come up as much. Most people don't really use email for that kind of thing any more, but they sure used to. I know some users still do, a bit, but it's gotten much rarer.
Thanks for clarifying the Subscription stuff. I wasn't 100% on how that worked, so I left it out of my description in hope that you would pop 'round and clarify.
Most people don't want a full red badge notification for all the replies, though, without being specifically mentioned or quoted. You'd get tons of them pretty quickly.
What Sedai said, basically.

If you want to know when someone has replied to a thread you replied to, you can "Subscribe" to it (there's an option on Post Reply, links on the top right of each thread page, and a setting under Edit Options to have the subscribe box checked automatically when you respond. That, though, doesn't use the notification system, but you can see all your subscribed threads in the User CP and get email notifications for it.
Originally Posted by QuantezQuiz
Ever since I uploaded my avatar, I stopped getting notifications when I'm replied to. Anyone else have this problem?
The notifications are generated when some one specifically @s you, or directly quotes one of your posts when replying. Are the replies you are talking about direct quotes or just people replying in general after your post, without actually quoting your post?
Ever since I uploaded my avatar, I stopped getting notifications when I'm replied to. Anyone else have this problem?
ha. yeah, i'm always paranoid for just that here.
I hate e-mails. An hour ago me and my co-workers were farting around true e-mail correspondence and I accidentally forwarded to a customer. Jesus, ashamed.
So this morning I got an email from Rick Grimes and kinda got excited. I looked again and it was just an advert from Rack Room.
I was watching a TV show yesterday, which had a scene where people were eating in a restaurant. I thought to myself "Oh yea, we used to be able to to do that..."