The Shoutbox

Um, am I interrupting something here?
Man, don't be silly, quit playing with ya willy.
Cough on Billy, get the 9 milly!
Originally Posted by John McClane
Originally Posted by John-Connor
Day 2; Running low on 'quarantine snacks'.
Shoulda bought sardines.
lol, I don't categorize sardines as 'snacks' McClane. Still have plenty of canned; tuna, sardines, salmon and mackerel. I guess watching 5+ seasons of the Walking Dead wasn't such a waste after all.
Originally Posted by John-Connor
Day 2; Running low on 'quarantine snacks'.
Shoulda bought sardines.
Donnie Brasco it is then.
Originally Posted by Austruck
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Originally Posted by Sedai
Sayonara, Mr. Brady. It's been fun.
I don't know what that means, but that's a morning greet that I can get behind.
Pretty sure he's referring to Tom Brady.

ah. well. i guess that makes more sense. still, i appreciate the more negative morning posts than those bright and sun-shiny ones that usually come from his keyboard

also, I'm thinking of revamping the shout quote for the longest reply game. any takers?
lol. I imagine chypmunk's day job is a professional pirate. Just sailing the oceans with a wife and pet parrot squawking out orders to the crew. That's the bird squawking, not the wife. And by bird I mean a feathery bird, not slang for the ole wifey. And when I say feathery, I don't mean flamboyant; though, there's nothing wrong with that. But buoyancy is a good trait for sea dwellers i would imagine?
is the green smiley icon, damn memory!
That's a good idea! The song tournament that is :P