The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Yoda
BTW, it's an Oscar tradition that I order pizza, and this year it fell on National Pizza Day.
Heavily rumoured over here to be the primary reason for the change
BTW, it's an Oscar tradition that I order pizza, and this year it fell on National Pizza Day.

Meant to be. Manifest Domino's.
We update the leaderboard live on the site throughout the night, with percentages after each announcement in the chat room (which will be open a couple of hours before the ceremony).
Also, hi!
Just for making them, you get my gratitude. For having the top score, I mail you a free movie.
Are there any kind of brownie points for making oscar picks?
Rhesus to be cheerful, part III.
"Please move your blood vial to the bagging area..."

Originally Posted by John McClane

Hello medibays!
It's like a Walmart self-checkout for hospitals!
So far I own Reading Railroad and St. James place. The beginnings of my empire are in place. MUhahhaha