The Shoutbox
Have at it:

Make Your Oscar Picks

Lemme know if you guys notice any mistakes or bugs so I can fix 'em quckly.
First day back to work after being out most of last week with the flu. It hit fast, it hit hard, and I feel it will linger in my bones for weeks until I get my strength back. Office folk chased me off with pitchforks and torches Friday when I tried to come back. First day back and I'm here posting to yew gaiz.
Picks are entered into the system, just ironing out a few kinks.
Good morning, all!
Well, that was certainly a list of films that got nominations.
Double nominee.
ScarJo: Oscar nominee.
Should have the picks pool stuff up on the site a little later today.
Oscar Nominations about to go live:
Mainly stories about Buck. Reports where that he was a prima donna and had a drinking problem.
If starrdarcy is related to Marcy, Ima need an autograph and story-time.