The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues
Why closing the Trump thread?
My reason is literally right there at the end of the thread.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
You should become a Shepard. Tendiing a flock and whatnot.
I have a friend that is a Shepard. I can say I did that once and is boring as a mother f*cker.
Walk the earth, meet people. Get into adventures. You know, like Caine in Kung Fu.
Why closing the Trump thread?
You should become a Shepard. Tendiing a flock and whatnot.
So yeah, I may have to quit my job after all.
And I just read something on our website, which is new, that has my blood boiling.
They already have one. Everyone hates it. They are rewriting it for the third time.
I'm pretty sure any place that's even announcing they're going to have a "transgender policy" is probably not going to do something that you find less tolerable than them not having one either way. Just a question of how accommodating it'll be above and beyond whatever it was without one.
The word on the work grapevine is they are announcing the new transgender student policy this week. I can't afford to quit my job in outrage, so they better not **** it up.
I was about to say! I listen to NRP ALL DAY!?

But I didn't realize you were talking to choose one or the other. In that case, making the music would probably be more fun. At least for me. That has layers in and of itself and can get pretty complex. You may actually set yourself up well later, having created a small library of beats and tracks to then refocus on rapping again. You gotta have the beats down first, probably. To help push whatever later when you can re-devote.