The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John McClane
Jalapeño beer.
One of my co-workers spun a random yarn last week. The topic? Cerveza de jalapeno.

I had never heard of the stuff before. He said he couldn't find it anymore.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Originally Posted by doubledenim
It's that popcorn lung.
I thought I’d get mango lung
PopCo-ManGo-CoCo-CottonMo is better.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Btw, I hate having to buy premium.

Why did I buy the FRS?!

Oh yeah, I know why: I test drove it.
Gas is super-cheap right now. I run no-ethanol and it still isn't over $3 a gallon.

I remember years ago when the corn-syrup was over $4 a gallon. Until gas gets crazy again, I'll keep running sans-ethanol.
Lost in Space's Robot and a Dalek walks into a henhouse.

Eggs-over-easy for breakfast, Will Robinson.


You stupid Dalek!!
Scrambled eggs for breakfast, Will Robinson.
Lost in Space's Robot and a Dalek walk into a bar.

DANGER Will Robinson, danger!!

You foolish Robot! You walked into a...
Are you typing with your nose or something?
Imma ssudorksired I was even. Able to post that link.
I a and ucked up yo. I’m s updirises I was evens able to post that kjkks just now.
Easily one of the most hopeful and exciting things I’ve read in awhile:
Jalapeño beer.