The Shoutbox
It's all about that mango life. Just ask Nephew Kyle.
Broke down and bought a JUUL today. I’m tired of smelling of smoke but can’t seem to go for too long with some nicotine. Jonesy.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Movie Forums doesn't mean you go to see a movie and say "um" four times.
That's just silly. Ums are the audience members. The flick was made specifically for them. Obviously.
Originally Posted by Yoda
I remember when I was a kid and that was, apart from electronics/video games, basically the best thing you could have.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Any excuse to buy a super soaker is a good one.
And then Billy got a black-eye and mom's pissed because she's gotta explain to the woman that birthed him how it's nothing really when in fact Billy almost died that day.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Maybe that bird has switched coke dealers?

Heckle and Jeckle: After the Laughs Stop

Yeah, I know they weren't mockingbirds, work with me here
That is very true.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Movie Forums doesn't mean you go to see a movie and say "um" four times.
well I guess thats best to say than "It s**ked!"
Movie Forums doesn't mean you go to see a movie and say "um" four times.
It's a name, not a set of instructions!

Sorry, just realised I'd never actually shouted "box" in here